Studio Flavi | Flavia van Tilburg

Even more about me

The interaction between humans and technology, in whichever form, continues to inspire me. I wander around trying to find the influences of tech in people's everyday lives. And I've found them in the busiest cities and smallest jungle communities. I focus on intuitive and instinctive design and explored these as a user experience researcher. Currently, I employ these as web designer. As a collegiate and socially minded person, my ideal work environment is filled with iterative processes and personal contact.

Both in my work and personally, I get energized by exploring and changing perspectives. This makes me resourceful and unafraid to take risks and start from scratch now and then. I enjoy pushing myself out of my comfort zone and going the extra mile but am focused on others feeling safe in their environment. I hold honesty, trustworthiness and integrity in high esteem and expect others around me to do the same.

Just interested in some random facts about me? Read them below and let me know which spark our curiousity!

My favorite tools



A drill and some screws

What I’m really good at

  • Empathizing
  • Design fine tuning
  • Daily workouts

What I’m really bad at

  • Gymnastics
  • SPSS
  • Living in the Netherlands



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Travel hobbies

(Analog) photography

Figuring out my next transportation

Skills-based volunteering

My favourite books

  • Thinking, fast and slow
  • Harry Potter
  • Make your bed

My favourite apps

  • Candy Crush Saga
  • Duolingo
  • Windy



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