Studio Flavi | Flavia van Tilburg

UX Audit

Stimulating donations for a non-profit helping children in rural Kenya


Kenya Child Care UX Audit


UX Audit


Kenya Child Care is a Dutch NGO that facilitates acute emergency care for children in Kilifi, Kenya. They have room for 20 children in need of care. They also have an outreach program where they provide basic necessities of life such as food, medical care and education. In order to maintain this level of help, they rely on donations received through their website. In order to generate more donations, the website had to be revised and optimized for use.

Old website

The old website of Kenya Child Care had relatively easy to understand structure but was not always intuitive. While some of the information linked well to their new pages, others were less informative because text between pages didn’t align. Also, information a potential donor would be interested in was either dispersed across pages or missing in general.

Major points for improvement were identified by the UX heuristics visibility of system status, consistency and standards, recognition rather than recall and aesthetic and minimalist design.

Other Dutch NGO websites were also evaluated. To find potential updates for Kenya Child Care, emphasis in this competitor analysis was put on the use of the landing page, the donations page and the header.


Landing page

Most of the competition makes use of a redirect to the donate page on a landing page. This is generally either at the top of the page or directly underneath the first block. Bigger NGOs use the landing page less often to direct to donations but provide more in-depth information and publicity.

Donation page

I identified two ways to design the donation page. The first is as currently done by the foundation, a full page where all the information is asked. The second, less intrusive way is have new donors go through a step-by-step process split over a few pages. The second way asks less cognitive load of the donor.


A few items were identified to be used most often in the header. These included: about us, our methods, stories/projects, blogs and a donate button. The donate button was often in a contrasting color to attract attention.


Distributed across the websites evaluated, some inspiration was gained. Elements still missing from the foundation’s website but are well received are the amount of pictures, blog stories, facts and numbers, project stories and social media links.


The final advice was made up of six specific points for improvement. Each point linked to another element of the website and would individually improve the website.


Make numbers and facts about the organization visible


  • Donate option immediately visible on the landing page


  • A step-by-step process for the donation page



— Instagram

— Twitter

— Facebook


Striking donate button in header


  • Make news widely available without registration


  • Re-branding of the designs' website to be more attractive



— Instagram

— Twitter

— Facebook


To provide the foundation with more than just a set of guidelines, I created a wireframe with the identified elements for improvements. The wireframe was focused solely on the landing page as most improvements would include a change here. It directly guides a visitor of the page to a donation page and provides more information on the NGO, their way of working, local stories, pictures and blogposts. Each of the individual elements can link to pages that provide in-depth information on the subject. The header was also rearranged and reformulated.